Payday Loans Conneaut Ohio Near Me No Credit Check

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Conneaut is located in the Ashtabula County in Ohio and is located along the Lake Erie. The total population back in 2010 was around 13,000 but it is estimated that the population will be declining this decade. Interestingly the population has been declining since the 1980s because of lack of employment and opportunities. A lot of the population has been moving to the nearby city of Cleveland. The economy of Conneaut city is depended on a couple of small businesses and a few medium to large companies like CSP, General Aluminum, CW Ohio.

With this slow decline in the economic health there has been a lot of demand for short term cash loans to meet personal needs of the citizens. Earlier the system worked against the borrowers but that all changed with the new legislation coming into place. Now you can only be charged a maximum of 28% APR and 60% as interest and fees. The maximum limit to borrowing from has been set to $1,000 and the minimum term has been set to 91 days. This has changed from the previous setting where you might only get a couple of weeks to repay the debt. The maximum term has also been set to a year. You can also be denied the loan if you have more than $2,500 in debt.

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