Payday Loans Columbiana OH | Online Payday Loans Ohio

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Columbiana is located both in the Columbiana county and the Mahoning County with the majority of the are falling in the former. The city has a total population of only 6,300 and it has the advantage of two railroads passing through the city. A big contributor to the local economy is the tourism which is attracted by the events being organized throughout the year, some of them being the Christmas in the woods and Harvey S Firestone Festival. According to the 2000 census about 6.5% of the total population was below the poverty line.

You never know when you might be in need of some emergency cash and it would be pretty scary to go for payday loans before because of the bad terms being offered by the lenders. But with the new rules being adopted by the State of Ohio the situation has improved a lot. PLnearme Lenders can only charge you a maximum of 28% as APR and 60% as fees and interest. Furthermore, you will get a minimum of 3 months to repay the debt with a maximum term being a year. But do make sure you don’t have more than $2,500 as debt otherwise you wont be able to borrow any money, even if you can you cannot borrow more than $1,000.

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