Payday Loans Bedford Heights OH | Online Payday loans Ohio

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Bedford Heights is located in the Cuyahoga County and is considered a suburb of Cleveland. It has a population of about 11,000. The city in itself doesn’t have any major industries and is relies on Cleveland for employment and its economy. The total area of the city is only 4.56 square miles and is located at an elevation of 317 meters.


In case you ever want to borrow small amounts of money in Ohio then the whole situation has improved a lot. This is due to the new legislation adopted by the State of Ohio. This made the situation for borrowers much better and reduced the debt traps that a lot of people are getting into. The maximum amount you can borrow only $1,000 now and you will have to repay in less than a year. Even the minimum term has been increased to 91 days from 2 weeks as it was before. The maximum APR has also been set to 28% and the overall fees and interest can only be up to 60%. Because of this you don’t have to worry a lot in case of an emergency as you wont have to deal with triple digit APRs anymore.

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