Payday Loans Fairfield AL | Online Payday Loans Alabama Near Me
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Fairfield is a great small city in Alabama, US, that is in Western Jefferson County and a total area of around 9 km², all land. And on this piece of land, nearly 10,450 people reside. City is a section of the Birmingham metropolitan area and best recognized for its steel industry. Apart from this, in terms of financial situation, nearly 23% of people struggle with their daily needs there. In fact, not only to these citizens but financial emergencies can knock on the door of anyone, when there is no sufficient money on the spot.
That’s why payday loans are designed but due to their cost, it is illegal in some states. But as per the rules of Alabama, it is permitted in Fairfield and as a citizen, you can acquire it from online payday lenders or storefronts. The maximum financial charges allowed to be charged to borrowers are 17.5% and average annual percentage rate is around 450% for an amount up to $500. Only one time refinance of loan is allowed but that can cost your loan double, so always try to pay back on time, whose limit is also set by the state; minimum 10 and maximum of 31 days.